Monday, February 24, 2020

They keep canceling out important good things in my life and act like only maybe they are saying it so it gets said by accident and doesn't cause a problem.
I haven't been trusting most people who are mean to me.
Basically, what they've been doing is being mean but I can always figure it was meant something off that wasn't.
I felt affected and annoyed and not sure if I can get it fixed.

On and Off

Being treated like I'm reduced, though.
I don't know "what the big idea" was, but I know I was laughed at and in some way dishonestly treated just because I was considered to think annoying thoughts when I was hurt.
What if I am always being tricked by someone and get blamed for only having a feeling and am permanently damaged in a bad way?
They are ruining my relationship with an older lady.  They said that she was tricking me to be turned off, like they point out Britney Spears looks just to be more uncomfortable.  They said she did it, too, and I thought everyone better be not just me like I did something.  Now, they might say she's not really okay to me.
I said people were wrong to tell other people they weren't good enough and I got some mixed message saying an older lady agreed to say I was nothing to be safe.


They didn't stop acting like they're gonna make my look like Britney Spears how she looks turned off and they pretend to have legitimate reasons, as they're always mean to me.


I am afraid if my dad was not getting sick already it seems like he was psyched into it by some people or someone.  Shouldn't it be we catch the bad guys and dad is okay?